The threshold of BASIC career foundation starts at Grade 8th. The never ending quest for ways to increase scores in subjects like mathematics, Science is the most popular trend while ignoring a few favoured subjects like Life sciences or geography for an example. The clear reason being- Lack of knowledge of career options at a later stage. Choosing a right track at right time will leave a long lasting impact on a student’s life. Latent Talent helps you solve all the above issues to build a strong career through many ways. Apart from our tailor made assessments to suit different grades (8th-12th), Latent talents Assessment program offers proficient counselling for all grades, through its network of over 400 counsellors spread across the country. We guide students to develop a proper career path by accessing their calibre and interest which will pave success in the long run.
Many people seek out assistance from career development professionals only when they are trying to choose a career for the first time (10th or 12th ), or perhaps when they are going through a transition.Far too many people are dissatisfied with what they do for a living. Why is that? They make mistakes when choosing a career and end up in an occupation that isn’t a good fit. While making a random choice may be simpler, it is certainly not wise. Given the amount of time you spend at work, you should do everything possible to make a well-informed decision. Getting help from professionals like , who provides career guidance ,can be the difference between ending up in a satisfying career or one that makes you miserable. Since most people do not stay in the same occupation for their entire working lives—some individuals even switch careers multiple times—there will probably come a time when you will want to make a change. Latent Talent can help you when you are taking on this kind of transition. Meet us to assess your transferable skills. With our assistance, you can discover what skills you can bring to your new occupation and which ones you will need to acquire before you can begin a new career.
Many companies struggle to manage their talent, whether they’re recruiting, developing or retaining people. We provide bespoke solutions that support you to do all of this better, more easily and far more cost effectively. We help you to identify, hire and get the best out of your talent. Not just the talent you want to bring in, but the talent you already have. The kind of talent that helps your business to grow. Unfolding Latent to Talent.
Following are the few ways we can help you manage your organisations talent.
a) Pre-Employment Hiring Assessment (Freshers/Lateral/ Campus/Technical)
b) Aptitude test through Job Description
c) Identifying Hi-Po’s.
d) Leadership Assessment Test
e) Gap Analysis
f) Succession Programme